Hey guys,
In the direct sales business, generating quality leads is vital. A lead is generally any person who has expressed an interest in the product or service. Lead generation and management is vital to the success of your business.
What kind of people are you looking for?
In your business you will want to contact two types of people — people you know and people you don’t know.
It is highly recommend that you contact people you know (Warm Market) first, since success rate will be higher. Work closely with your hardcore Sales Manager during your training period and they will support you to contact these people.
• Warm Market
Your warm market is the 200 or so people who you know. Be open minded about this group as it can be extended to anyone you can have a warm conversation with. Learn to build rapport wherever you are. This group has the potential to contain some of your strongest centres of influence and referrals.
Make a list of friends, neighbours, relatives and the people you do business with. Approach them, simply ask them if they have considered or know anyone that may be interested in your product or service, remember you don’t just sell x or y you are after a long term relationship, you are solving a problem they have. Do not let fear get in your way. You do not need to have lots of experience; you simply follow the system as part of this website and access your management team for support and guidance.
Create a list of people you have known. Do NOT otherwise prejudge anybody. Team up with your management team to make the phone calls with you.
Impotantly your warm market is a great place to start as you are likely to come up with a lot of objections, this will help you to learn to deal with them. They are important so be sure to learn from them.
Suggestions for Contact List
Who do you know….?
Who is dissatisfied with their job?
Who is unhappy with their income?
Wh is concerned about their future?
Who is money oriented or money motivated?
Who owns their own business?
Who enjoys being around high energy people?
Who quit their job or is out of work?
Who needs extra money?
Who works with you?
Who is retired?
Who works part-time”
Who was laid off?
Who you like the most?
Who bought a new home?
Who answers classified ads
Who runs personal ads?
Who gave you a business card?
Who works at night?
Who delivers to your home?
Who sells Avon or such products?
Who wants freedom?
Who likes team support?
Who is a fund raiser?
Who watches tv often?
Who works on cars?
Who likes political campaigns?
Who are social networkers?
Who is in the military?
Who is a mutual friend?
Who will help You?
Who works for the government?
Who is unemployed?
Who attends Self-Improvement seminars?
Who reads Self-Help books?
Who reads books on success?
Who is friends with your children ?
Who is friends with your parents?
Who was your boss?
Who you met whilst on vacation?
Who waits on you at restaurants?
Who cuts your hair?
Who does your nails?
Who does your taxes?
Who works at the bank?
Who is on your holiday list?
Who is in retail sales?
Who sells Real Estate?
Who are teachers?
Who services your car?
Who repairs your house?
Who manages your unit?
Who has children in Tertiary Education?
Who likes to dance?
Who sold you your car?
Who you met at a party?
Who likes to buy things?
Who you met on a plane?
Who does volunteer work?
Who you like the least?
Who needs a new car?
Who needs a vacation?
Who works too hard?
Who lives in our neighborhood?
Who is your boss?
Who delivers your mail?
Who phones you at home?
Who phones you at work?
Who delivers your paper?
Who handles your gardening?
Who watches your children?
Who attends your church?
Who you met on the street?
Who you meet through your friends?
Who taylors your clothes?
Who sells cosmetics?
Who packs your groceries?
Who wants a promotion?
Who is overweight?
Who is health conscious?
Who recycles?
Who buys bottled water? Who has allergies?
Who is wealthy?
Who has a lot of friends?
Who exercised regularly?
Who belongs to a Chamber of Commerce?
Will they be amongst your:
Sisters or brothers?
Aunts and Uncles?
Spouse’s relatives?
People you went to school with?
Your doctor?
Your dentist?
Your solicitor?
Live with passion,
Brett Alegre-Wood