Hey guys,
Here are some of the phases that I build into my scripts and pitches for sales across all industries.
- I’m sure that you’d agree with me.
- It’s better to have and not need than to need and not have.
- Can you see the benefits?
- Let’s do it… NOW! This minute right now.
- Tell me in detail… Whats holding you back.
- Lets get realistic
- I want to start saving you money NOW!
- Silence.
- When we come to that bridge we will cross it…
- How does that sound?
- That’s not a problem
- I guarantee this will make you happy.
- I would strongly recommend it.
- What do I need to do to get this sale today?
- Now XXXX, will you be making the decision or should I also address it to someone else.
- Someone from your organisation has contacted us about …
- xxx has been doing a heap of advertising to the business marketplace and I am just following up with the detailed information.
- Who would have been the person who enquired I have XXXX but this is under director details so it may not be the person who has enquired.
- Would I have your permission to contact him after we have done the deal and only one, the basis that your 100% happy.
- The benefits of this program are….
- (If they are happy with their current provider) If you could improve one thing about the service what would that be.
- You do realise your funding the XXXX Christmas Party.
- How would you feel if I could save you 50% today?
Live with passion,
Brett Alegre-Wood